Wow, I haven't posted since this year began!
And so much has happened since then, I don't even know where to start!
My brain (and body) has been all over the place lately, between work and reapplying to school for the fall semester, road-trips to North Carolina, looking for a new house, and preparing for my upcoming 6-week trip to Spain, it's a wonder I haven't lost my mind! So to keep things straight, I'm gonna do a series of posts, instead of one reallyyyyy long one!
I've been to North Carolina not once, but 2 times just in the last couple of weeks. That's a 10+ hour drive, people! My friend, Samantha, and I drove down for WKU's Spring break, which was an absolute blast. We got there Saturday around dinner time, so my sister and her husband took us out to a nice dinner downtown at Winslow's and after-dinner milkshakes at Cookout. Y'all, Cookout may be one of the greatest missing enterprises outside of NC. It's that good! So sad we don't have them in ky...
"nursing" our sick sea turtles back to health. |
And then the rest of the time we were there, my sister showed us around Greenville and Manteo or left us to wander around on our own. In Manteo, we went to the aquarium, which is honestly one of my favorite things to do on vacation!
I know it's super nerdy and childish, but I LOVELOVELOVE going to aquariums and zoos and museums. I think it's something that's been engrained in me over the years. Every family vacation when I was little included trips to museums and aquariums - Riply's Believe it or Not Museum, the Newport Aquarium. Hell, one of my favorite school field trips was to the Louisville Science Center.
Even now, on study abroad trips, I live for the outings when we get to do these things - Taronga Zoo in Sydney, the Museum and Memorial at Normandy, MALBA Museo de Arte in Buenos Aires. LOVE.
My older sister's the exact same way. Nerds at heart!
Grilled Brie and Tomato sandwich (mine)- Open-faced Hummus Sandwich (Sam's) |
So the aquarium was a blast; of course I was suckered into buying those tourist-y photos where you're riding a stingray and surfing into a shark's mouth. And we took our own hilarious photos - me, laying on the ground next to a replica of a grown alligator. Us "nursing" sick toy sea turtles back to health - complete with lab coats.
And then on the days we were left to roam on our own, Samantha and I took in Greenville and the teeny neighboring marine town, Washington.
We walked around ECU's campus (which was almost dead since nearly everyone was gone for spring break) and walked downtown for lunch at this hole-in-the-wall cafe/bookstore called the Tipsy Teapot. We went to Washington and walked all along the docks and through the streets, which are full of these huge, southern homes. Some of them had been there since the 1800's! And strangely, there was this really authentic NY Pizza place where Samantha and I went for lunch. The owner was born in Brooklyn and had grown up in Long Island, and then moved down to NC when he got older. We chatted for a while and then he gave us free Italian Ice. That's what I call a good day.
working diligently! |
My second trip was shorter (just for St. Patty's Day weekend) but no less fun! My little sister and I drove down late Friday evening; we literally got to my sister's house at 6:30 in the morning. But we slept in a little and then all of us (yes, Scott included) went to the Accidental Artist and painted adorable margarita glasses!
Lilly lion! |
I based mine on our Phi Mu Lilly print, using the quatrefoil, the lion and the carnations. I actually thought it turned out really cute!
quatrefoil and carnation love. |
Charlsey went with a Tiffany blue and painted a diamond ring next to the words "Forget diamonds, Margaritas are a girl's best friend." Cute, right?!
Carnation <3 |
And of course, Michaela went with a giraffe print, 'cause she's the wild child of the family!
the Accidental Artist! |
We had plans to go out that night for St Patrick's Day and meet up with some of Charlsey and Scott's friends downtown, but somehow we ended up at Christy's Europub! I think it had to do with hearing bagpipes from somewhere down the road where we parked (who can resist bagpipes? no one, that's who!) and we went to investigate and Christy's is what we found! It was actually a really fun pub-type bar with really cool people. Win-win in my opinion.