Wow! My last post was in September!! I can't believe it...I've been so busy with different things, I haven't had time to write at all. And sometimes, that's when I need to the most; just to take a minute and get things off my chest and out of my cluttered mind and out in the open where I can rake through them. And man, do I have a lot of things to rake through. First off: SPAIN. Back in September, I had to face the possibility that I wouldn't get my Student Visa on time and I might not get to go to spain. So I started researching some other options - basically anything that would get me to Spain (I just want to go!) One program I came across was called TEFL and they offer a 1-month long certification course that certifies it's students to teach English ANYWHERE in the world. And you can take this course online, in chicago...or pretty much anywhere you want! They even have an option for Madrid! So I sat down with my parents and we basically pro-conned both programs and how they would fit in with me finishing my senior year here at Western Kentucky and keeping my current job (which I love!) In the end, we decided that even though TEFL is only 1 month (versus the 10 months I could get to spend in Spain with the Language asst. position) it definitely seems a better option for me - both now and in the long run. I can choose to take the course any month that works best for me (I'm looking at March right now) and I can come back to WKU in the Fall and keep working my job up until I leave and pick right back up when I get back. And looking at the future, 10 months would have looked AMAZING on my resumé, but that's all. It would be a resumé booster, nothing more. TEFL actually helps you get job offers - ACTUAL JOBS. That's what I need to focus on, and just reading some of the testimonies online, I'm getting super pumped about this! So that's that, for now. A huge weight off of my shoulders. And something to look forward to in the upcoming months! to what I've been up to the last couple of months, a little recap: Luke Bryan came to Western for my school's Homecoming!!
Luke Bryan at WKU !! |
Homecoming is a pretty big deal at my school, especially for the greek organizations, and since Luke used to be a Sigma Chi back in the day (he's still totally a frat boy) the concert was wall-to-wall Greeks! It was such a fun time and I'm so glad I got to share it with my lovely sisters of ΦΜ!
Can a simple black v-neck be any sexier ??? | next: Thanksgiving! Always having been one of my favorite holidays, what with the food and the family and making messes in the kitchen helping mom cook, this year it was one of the best I've ever experienced! My girls from home and I finally got to experience the wonderment that is TURKEY-KICK! What's that you say? You've never heard of it?? Well, it's a pretty big deal here. Turkey-kick is a HUGE bar-crawl held every year in Bardstown (the Bourbon capital of the world) on Thanksgiving Eve. Bands play at the Old Stable and Talbott Tavern and there's a bus that takes you around to the different bars.
Oh ya know, just Turkey-kickin' it up! |
Well, somehow, we didn't end up on the bus, but no worries! We got to ride around in a limo - for FREE - and see one of our favorite hometown bands, Hooker! It was definitely a great memory with some great friends, and we've already decided: we'll be back next year :) Christmas was also a blast this year, even though for some reason I just couldn't seem to make myself believe that it was actually Christmas. Maybe because it was so warm this year, and it just doesn't seem like the holidays to me without a little snow on the ground. sister and her husband managed to make it up from North Carolina for the holiday and that was probably the best present of the year! It's a lot harder to get to see them now that they live in NC and I work a lot and my little sister has her first job and none of us can really get away for long periods of time. But we did get to spend the lovely holidays together, so I'm very thankful for that!
Tis the season... |
Oh, and ever since my cousin's wedding back in September, my family seems to have decided that we are wine drinkers. Not that I'm complaining though! I love it! I think I came back from Argentina with a slightly more mature palette. My only complaint is that my dad sent me to the liquor store with the wine list and the workers gave me a giant box for all the wine because "it didn't look like a little thing like me could carry all that wine!"
So embarrassing. And this year was actually my FIRST New Year's Eve experience. One of my sorority sisters came down from Louisville for the weekend and we went to Hooker's last show (so sad!) It was her first and last Hooker concert and I'm so glad it was the one she got to see! I'm telling ya, they really outdid themselves. We definitely rang the new year in in-style, and I'm looking forward to everything 2012 has to offer. And maybe since it's a new year, I'll start keeping all my resolutions! Wish me luck!
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