Happy Thursday!! The work-week is almost over and I, for one, CAN. NOT. WAIT. This week has felt like the longest week in the history of weeks. Partially, I think because Barbara (my boss) has been out of town for 2 days, which leaves me at work COMPLETELY by myself with just a list of tasks to occupy myself. It's not all bad, really. I take my laptop and listen to Pandora (I've been stuck on my Luke Bryan station
for weeks now!) but it really is just me, myself, and I piddling around in Barbara's home office. And also, I think this week has dragged on because I've been
so looking forward to this weekend!
My friend Christina and I have a certain affinity for peach margaritas. |
For one, I can't wait to be in Louisville with some of my lovely, Phi Mu ladies!! A couple of weekends ago, they came down from Louisville to my hometown and stayed for the weekend, which was an absolute blast! We went out that Friday night to our local bar and watched the local band, Sidewayz. Then Saturday we hiked all around my family's 350+ acres and went for Mexican and Margaritas before getting ready and heading out again for a 2nd night on the town. It was so much fun just showing them around my hometown because it's so much smaller (and country-er) than Louisville. So this weekend it's my turn to visit them and the girls are going to show me how things are done in their hometown. Also, this is one of Christina's last weekends here before she leaves for Argentina (she's going through a different program, but it's basically the same thing I did!) so we're all trying to get together as much as we can before she's gone.
Tale as old as time... |
Another reason to look forward to this weekend, my friends and I have plans to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D!! Y'all do not understand how excited I am for this. Beauty and the Beast was always one of my absolute favorite disney movies when I was little (who am I kidding, it still is) and I'm getting such a kick out of the fact that Disney is re-releasing some of their classics from the vault. And putting them in 3D, no less! My friends and I were pretty much first in line for the Lion King and I've heard that they're releasing the Little Mermaid sometime in August. That movie is my namesake, for crying out loud! Oh, and also, I am FINALLY getting my white iphone 4 this weekend. POR FINNN. I swear, I have been trying to get this phone for ages and something is always happening. Seriously though, right now, I could go for a Peach margarita or a tall glass of Argentine Malbec, and a stack of Disney movies on dvd. And some sushi. I'm always up for sushi. Just one more day!!
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