Happy Mother's Day!! Truly, every day should be about cherishing and loving the mother's that God graced each of us with. I especially feel that blessing; I couldn't ask for a better mom. She's my best friend. She's my counselor. My cheerleader. She's teaching me how to grow into the woman I want to be. I literally cannot go a single day without talking to my mom. I skyped her earlier to wish her a happy mother's day (so sad I'm not there to celebrate with her in person!) and I was so saddened to see this wonderful holiday was passing like any other day back home. Michaela's at work, dad's on a work trip and Tanner doesn't really spend much time thinking about things like Mother's Day (he's 9 though, so that's expected). This is the first Mother's Day I've missed. And it's really hard. Not even being able to bring my mom flowers and a card makes me sad. She never expects a lot; family dinner, a sweet card and flowers is her idea of happiness. I hate missing out on things like this while I'm gone; but I fully intend on making up for every single thing i've missed once I get back. birthdays (ep's, dad's, mine, tanner's), mother's day, father's day, my parent's anniversary (25 years, yay!) I've already started collecting a small pile of gifts, getting them all back is going to be the tricky bit.
But on a separate note, last night was my first Argentine concert! Cara's host brother, Martín, is in a punk/ska/reggae band called Play Shodaka. Last night they were playing at this club called Uniclub and I seriously had a blast! Here's a link to some of their music:
http://www.facebook.com/PlayShodakaOficial?sk=app_178091127385 enjoy!
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