Lately, I've been feeling nostalgic for kentucky. I miss the normality of greeting a stranger with a smile and a wave. I miss hearing accents that sound like mine. I miss the ease of chatting with mom or my sisters on the phone and seeing my beautiful sorority sisters on the daily. Luckily, I've been surprised with random tastes of home.
Abuela can cook a mean pot roast; although no one cooks quite like Judy Butcher. And me and some of the girls have started a new tradition, MARGARITA MIÉRCOLES.There's a great mexican restaurant in Palermo Soho, literally a 10 minute walk from my apartment. Wednesday, me, Lauren, Jessica (and her host brother Francisco), Devon (a fellow sorority girl, love it), Rebecca, Kirsten and Quynh-Le met up at Xalapa at 11:00 (totally still early here). We ordered a round of margaritas (plain for me and Jess, Gold for everyone else), some chips and guacamole and celebrated the start of a lonnnng weekend. Thank you, semana santa. Margarita miércoles is def. becoming a weekly tradition, and margarita martes might start up pretty soon as well :) (Side note: there is a bar here in BsAs with a telephone booth at the entrance and it requires a password. I have found the entrance to the Ministry of Magic. more updates to follow.) Thursday, I explored the rest of Palermo Soho with a girl from the running team (which is going great, btw. I'm running for 40 minutes straight, or about 3 miles, which is a MAJOR improvement) We found a shop that makes super fun, super delicious-smelling soap. I bought 3 bars of miel (honey), canela (cinnamon) and chocolate. We had an amazing (and healthy!) lunch at this hip little cafe called b-blue or
algo así. Guacamole wrap with papas fritas and jugo de mandarin, mango, jenibre y ginseng. delish. And, for a perfect sweet treat, Muma's Cupcakes. I had a banana tropical (banana con dulce de leche) with a large café con leche, and I bought a Patagonia cupcake for later. It's going to take all my will power to keep from going there every other day. So far, this weekend has been just what I needed. Relaxing and comforting. A brief taste of KY in the huge, crazy city of Buenos Aires. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade this amazing experience for anything. I love discovering new cultures, new people, stepping outside of my comfort zone and pushing my boundaries. But there's no place like HΦΜE.
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