I have survived my first bout of Argentine sickness! (though, given my luck, I'm sure there will be many more...)
What we (we being my dad and I) first thought was a touch of food poisoning from undercooked hamburgers (from this sketch bar in Plaza Serrano; Michaela and Drew saw cheese fries and refused to go anywhere else) turned into something more serious as soon as me and dad headed out for Córdoba.
Cue the fever, body aches, upset stomach and inability to breathe through my nose.
Our sickness threatened to put a damper on our road-trip, but given the fact that we are, in fact, in argentina, driving through the beautiful countryside with the foothills of the Andes in the distance, we made the best of it.
We weren't really up to more than simply exploring the city of Córdoba, which is much bigger than either of us originally thought, but that in itself was an adventure. I may have found the loveliest avenue in all of argentina; divided by a small stream, both sides of the street are lined with beautiful trees (dark, almost black bark with light green leaves overhang the stone walls that line the stream) and stone bridges connect the 2 sides. qué lindo :)
We basically subsisted on crackers and sprite (Argentina has a curious lack of ginger ale), but on the upside, it was like a total body cleanse from all of the pan and azucar I've been eating as of late.
Which gives me a new resolution:
No more bread (or at least white flour) and
No more sugar (fruit does not count, as I firmly believe everyone should be allowed to eat as much of nature's candy as they like)
Dad flew home wednesday morning, and after packing up all my stuff to bring back to my lovely room here on Scalabrini (which I really have missed, it's my little home away from home) I completely crashed. And when I say crashed I mean full on passed out on my bed, shoes on, bed still made.
But luckily my doctor back home had the foresight to equip me with every possible medicine I might need while I'm abroad. Thank you, Dr. Meece.
Before we all left, we hit up the Museo de Bellas Artes. Art Musuems are always one of my favorite things to see on trips. I love art, but I also love the soothing silence and solitude of museums. I'm not big into abstract art, like geometric art and cubism, but there were some amazing romantic pieces that I fell in love with.
Spring break had its up and downs; but in the end the ups outweighed the downs. Yes, at one point I may have thought my immune system was turning against me and I was dying, but like most horrible things, my illness passed. But the beauty of Argentina remained. In its street fairs. In its art. In its people. and most importantly, in my mind and in my heart.
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