Finally back in the USofA! I cannot describe the feeling of touching down at Louisville International Airport and walking out in to hot, kentucky summer air. Naturally, the first sight to greet me would be this lovely man in a cutoff tee, proudly displaying his belly for the world to see. Oh, kentucky.
Only in the great state of Kentucky... |
Landed at Louisville International Airport. |
I want nothing more than to sit on my front porch swing and look out at the beautiful rolling hills and sip on a glass of sweet ice tea. The wineberries are ripe in the patch and our gardens are overflowing with fresh veggies. I couldn't have asked for a better time to come home.
The view from my front porch. Go ahead, be jealous. |
It's like America itself is welcoming me home. The Fourth of July, the beautiful kentucky landscapes and sweet, sweet summertime. I'm feeling spoiled with all the AMAZING meals my parents have been preparing; homemade burgers with all the fixins my first night back, steaks and garden-fresh grilled veggies for the 4th, and delish barbeque ribs, baked beans and ranch potato salad tonight. It hasn't really sunk in yet that I can't just walk outside and be on a bustling street in Buenos Aires.
My home sweet home :) |
first sight of the house after 5 long months. breathtaking. |
But with a view like this ever day, I don't care to leave those bustling streets behind. Argentina was a AMAZING experience, one I wouldn't trade for anything. I met beautiful, great people, sampled some great food, and lived some amazing, wild, unforgettable experiences. But there's absolutely, unquestionably, no place like home. :)
nothing like an after-dinner walk to truly feel like I'm home. |