Play shodaka at Sira club |
The Ateneo |
Street dancing (look at the little kid!) |
Lauren and Jake at La Meridiano |
wok de pollo |
Lauren, me and Ary |
my new mate :) |
Sounds super ominous, right? Well, don't be alarmed, it's just a reference to the fact that I'm now in my
LAST MONTH IN ARGENTINA! Isn't that just crazy!? I can't believe I've already been here for 4 months and in literally less than 1 month I will be packing up all my things (already dreading this, I've acquired
quite a lot since I've been here), visiting Macchu Pichu (be jealous) and saying "adios y chau" to this beautiful city that has become my second home. That means I have one month to jam in everything I still want to do before I leave, and this weekend I finally got a start on that. Friday was the 2nd Play Shodaka show I've been to, this time right outside the
capital federal, in Olivos. Me, Cara, her roomie Hayley, Callie, Bishop and David had a blast dancing to the band, at least until things were cut short by the arrival of about 10 police cars. Apparently the club was serving minors and we all had to leave before the 2nd band went on. Regardless, a good time. Earlier on friday, me, Lauren and Callie finally went to the Ateneo, this old theater-turned-bookstore. It's absolutely breathtaking inside, with the original balcony seating and the stage converted into a cafe. Afterwards, we made a detour back to MUMA's (naturally) for cupcakey deliciousness. Yesterday, Lauren, Jake and I met up to go to a tango show in Constitution (for our tango class) but we ended up wandering around in Constitution - never a good idea. So we kinda nixed the tango show, rode the subte back to Palermo Soho and grabbed dinner at La Meridiano. delishh. Today, me, Callie, Lauren and my new roomie, Ary (who just got here saturday and is here for the whole month of june!) went to la Feria de Mataderos. It was the best
feria I've been to the entire time here! There was great live music and street dancing, amazing food everywhere you turned and just really great artisanal crafts. I still can't seem to get it through my mind that I will be leaving this amazing country in less than a month. But until then, I'm going to make the most of every second I have left :)